Saturday 13 December 2014

Here's to Psychology!

So, I've got this thing for Latin quotes at the moment, and I think my blog title is pretty fitting; ''qui audet adipiscitur'' Loosely translated, she who dares wins. So a bit about me, Well i'm coming up to finishing my first year of a  Psychology Degree, After studying Criminal Psychology for the last 2 years, which i realized after passing with flying colors, isn't worth the paper its written on for perusing a career in counselling and addiction therapy.

 I have plenty of ideas, stuff that will work, but unless you have several degrees, a doctorate and a flying pony at your disposal, your not getting anywhere, disregarding the fact that you guessed it, all the current therapy doesn't work. 

Now, I admit i am a skeptic of any form of 12 step will change your life program' or aversion therapy, if you need to avoid, for example a betting shop, for fear of addiction, then god help you, you will never recover. 

Instead its a blend of counselling and understanding that will work to break a destructive cycle. Often an addict will not realise they have a problem, instead making up fanciful fantasy's to lie to themselves, and to lie to those around them for example 'I was mugged on the way back from the bank', 'my boss hasn't paid me' they will lie, and not even know their lying because they live in a fantasy world. 

Im pretty certain addiction in general like most things in life comes down to a set number of factors.

  1. Lack of early money management skills- Fundamental skills that are either taught by parents or learned, often children who do not receive pocket money have no concept of money management skills.
  2. Hidden Insecurity leading to peer pressure-most addicts will be addicted to multiple things, and more than 80% will be smokers, or will have smoked at some point. Whether or not their is an ''Addiction gene'' is hotly debated, however if you are an insecure person you are much more likely to do things in your teens that will shape your life subconsciously.
  3. To consider yourself creative, or of an artistic temperament. All addicts have a tendency to invent gross elaborate fantasy's, rather than a small lie, this takes great skill, most addicts will describe themselves as, above average intelligence, creative and having a strong moral compass.
  4. Will have a tendency to be overgenerous with near strangers, for example lending large sums of money, this adds to their presence that they have a vast amount of personal income, despite the fact they m,ay try to borrow money from those close to them because in reality they do not have enough money to live off 
ok run out of space now but more to come soon. leave a comment if your interested 

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